Friday 6 April 2012

The emperor's new clothes?

I've spent a few hours trying to rename the blog. I started it about four years ago, but, never really wrote anything much, hopefully this attempt will be more fruitful (I deleted the old content, but left the original 'test' post for posterity!). The old name for the blog was 'Read 'em and weep', and the blog url had my name in it, both of which I wanted to change. So, I've spent hours wandering through the quotes websites looking for something interesting, unusual and which sums up my idea for this blog.
Quite a few 'spoke' to me, one by Christopher Hitchens, which was Litera scripta manet, or, 'The written word will remain'. I thought that would be nice, and honour the great Hitch, but, it wasn't quite right.
I found a cute Audrey Hepburn quote, and I love Audrey Hepburn, the quote was 'Nothng is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!  But agan, not quite there...
The third one I considered was 'It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it'. Again Aristotle, but too long. Great quote, though!
Fourthly, one by Alexander Fleming - 'One sometimes finds what one is not looking for'. Hmm, good, but, I'm sorta hoping, maybe one day, people WILL be looking for this blog, so, again, nope.
Then, I stumbled across another Aristotle quote, There was never a genius without a tincture of madness. And, yup, sums me up nicely. 
So, here you have it, I present to you my new blog name 'A Tincture of Madness'.   

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